Practice The Pause

I’m sure we can all identify with feeling like the energizer bunny - we keep going and going and going. There’s something about going and going that makes us feel purposeful. But are we really being purposeful or are we just another rat in the rat race?  In this particular moment, I decided to pause. I took a moment to rest, a moment to reflect and a moment to just be. It was in that moment that I started to see all the possibilities that exist outside of the rat race and began to feel inspired and rejuvenated. I could actually hear myself think!  

The rat race serves its purpose, but it’s so important to “practice the pause” so you never loose the essence of what you were placed on this earth to do. Don’t get distracted by the rat race, practice the pause and get realigned with the purpose for your life — trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

#Practicethepause #getoffthetrack #gettinginalignment #purpose
