Success vs Happiness

Recently, I was asked a simple, yet thought provoking question: Do you think success and happiness are the same?  I thought for a moment and I said it really depends on how a person defines success.  In taking a quick review of my life, it forced me to think about how I personally defined success. I realized that for many years I viewed success through an external lens – degrees I accomplished, awards I received, work titles I achieved and incremental salary increases. While these things are often viewed as being successful, is it really success and does it bring happiness? With every achievement, there was definitely momentary happiness; but I have come to realize that sustaining happiness is not about external factors. I found that when I am most happy, I am doing things that align with my purpose. I have also found that when I do things that align with my purpose I am successful. While happiness and success are not the same, they are highly correlated.  Herman Cain said:  “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. ”

Find your purpose and you will be successful. Find your purpose and you will be happy. Purpose is the connection between happiness and success.

I pose this same question to you: Do you think success and happiness are the same?  Are you successful? Are you happy?

What changes do you need to make to ensure that your definition of success is in alignment with your happiness?

#happiness #purpose #success

