CEO of YOU, Inc

I often use my commute time to read, catch up on conversations, check emails and sometimes just think. Today as I traveled in to Grand Central Station, I found myself looking around at everyone on the Metro North commuter train and wondered where everyone was going and what they actually did.  Like me, I’m sure many were just going about their regular “rat race” duties. However, I am sure that in the midst of all of us “rats”, there was someone who figured it out; someone who actually recognized that they were more than just a rat, but actually a CEO (Chief Executive Officer). 

It hit me really hard in that moment, that I am also a CEO – I am the CEO of me!  I began thinking about what is my brand, what do I represent, what is my mission, what is my purpose, where am I going and how will I get there.  If you are reading this, you are also a CEO! You are the CEO of YOU, Inc. Have you thought about your brand, your purpose, your mission?  Are you living it right now? If not, what is stopping you from becoming the best CEO that you can be?

I encourage you today to spend a few minutes just thinking about the possibilities of what YOU, Inc can become it you dedicated some time your company. YOU are worth the investment!

#YouareaCEO #YOUInc #InvestinYourself
