What if you actually decided to step out on faith and do that thing that keeps you up at night? You know, that business idea you want to launch or that job you really want or that person you know you should connect with or that goal you want to achieve. What if it doesn’t work, you ask yourself—but what if it does? Life is full of “what if’s”. What if I didn’t step out on faith and build this website? What if I didn’t make a decision to start living with intention and purpose? What if I didn’t write this little blog post? The fact that you are reading this right now confirms to me that we have more control over the “what if’s” than we realize.
What have you been thinking about and wondering whether or not it will work? Stop thinking about the obstacles and start thinking about the possibilities. I challenge you today to step out in faith and make your “what ifs” become a reality. When you conquer your “what if”, I want to hear your story and help you tell it to the world. I’m holding you accountable.
#whatif #noexcuses #thetimeisnow #accountability